If there were ever any doubt as to whether England would have the full backing off Welsh football fans, then these photos will prove so!
England played their first major semi-final since 1996. Obviously the UK didn’t have to wait this long as Wales got to the Semi-final five years ago and the BBC news, Radio 2, all the newspapers etc.. talked about nothing else all day, for days upon end…..if you remember…. I’m struggling too but I’m sure it was.
The Match
It was inevitable. England were always going to win, and the Welsh fans are jubilant that their shy and unconfident neighbours are finally ‘coming out of their shell’.
After a slow start, England won a nailed-on penalty as the Danish defender nearly killed Raheem Sterlin. The goal was confidently put-away by England captain Harry Kane.
“It is wonderful to see England finally having some belief in themselves” one Welsh fan said. “They are always so reserved, talking down their chances. They are always so respectful to the opposition. Never crucial of themselves, or the referee should they lose. Instead, the fans congratulate the other side on the way they played”.
Belief is now so great that there is little doubt that England believe that they will now win against Italy… And probably the World Cup next year…. And the Euro 2024 after that. And Britain’s Got Talent.
Photos of Swansea

Wow. Not a responsible article at all.
Those photos clearly NOT taken at the time of the games – as I was there.
Stupidity like this in Wales just fuels even more hatred of the English.
You know that this article is being shared by multiple Facebook groups. All of which are Anti-English. 🤬